

Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity, and inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles. It is distinguished from quiet wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, but it is more easily reversible than hibernation or coma. Sleep is a heightened anabolic state, accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. *Wikipedia

Fisherprice 35mm + Lomolitos / Fuji Proplus 100

Tea Time

Few shots in a tea field somewhere in Lembang, West Java. 

Original Diana F / Shanghai GP3 / MicroMF (Kodak D-76 clone) 

Bringing Eximus UWS Underwater

Everybody knows this is a clone from the great Vivitar UWS right?
It has a 22mm wide lens, f/11 aperture and 1/125s shutter speed. A real point and shoot camera without any special feature attach.
One day i got bored to shoot daily life and any other dry activity with Eximus. And i wanna do something extraordinary with this little camera. So, i take it to a swimming pool..
Not just shoot dry activity like

But i pushed Eximus UWS limit to my DIY experiment, Wrapping the body with plastic and tape it all arround

DIY Fuji Instax Shutter Release

Sick of being instax photographer in any events?
You have instax, but you don't have one single print of your self?
Wanna join in a photo group using instax?

First Post

Hello world..

This is my first blog for personal purpose :) YAY!!
A lot of this and that in optimizing template, and this is the final result. *i hope
Took me more than two hours to setup because i'm kinda new to blogger.

Alrite, let's start the journey with this new blog..
Digitalanalogboy signing off.
Let's eat!! *i'm starving rite now

Hungry Kiddo / Diana+ / Kodak Ektacolor 160